7 Things Every Small Business Should Automate
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
- Published On:
August 2, 2024
Written By
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
CEO, PPM & Data Lead
Abhishek (Nick) Ganguly, CEO of Cyboticx, is a digital transformation expert specializing in product management, UX design, AI, and business automation.
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Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
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How to Automate Small Business: Step-by-Step Guide

Automation allows computers to carry out their most valuable tasks, allowing humans to focus on strategic and creative work for which they are still best suited. In this article, we are going to discuss the best ways to automate small businesses. So, let us get started. 

Different Categories of Automation

Automation comes into three categories:

In-app automation

Certain automations are already included in the apps you use. On the other hand, some apps ARE just simple automations. In some cases, automation is implemented by the program, and you can handle it yourself.

Automation of Business Processes

While a technology like Zapier may at times be used for basic process automation, development team intervention is frequently required. While some process automation is simple, others can require a specially designed piece of software. However, nearly all of them call for some level of knowledge about programming.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

When interacting with software products that don't have an API (application programming interface) or don't let developers use it, this type of automation is employed.  

7 Ways to Automate Your Small Business

1. Launch email campaigns with automation.

Email marketing automation may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of business automation. Not only is it among the most commonly used forms of automation, but it's also among the easiest to use.

      Email automation types:

  • Sending emails in response to certain activities, like confirmations of webinar sign-ups or notifications of dropped hampers
  • Email drip pipelines with periodic content delivery
  • Delivering information or material when a form is filled out; A/B testing content and sending the version that performs the best automatically; customizing every email you send
  • Dividing up groups according to data and distributing the right emails to each group automatically

Examining the automation features that your email marketing platform already offers and considering how you can utilize them to carry out your plan is a smart way to get started with email marketing automation. 

Example: Using an automated email marketing platform, a small e-commerce company set up customized email campaigns that were activated by consumer actions, such as carts that were abandoned. Within the first month, this resulted in a 30% boost in sales conversions.

2. Transfer contact information to a centralized database using a CRM.

Use a CRM as a centralized database to automate your customer information, and transfer contact data throughout apps to send out updates as soon as a customer account is updated. This reduces the amount of manual labor that your employees must perform and builds bonds with clients and contacts. 

As an example, a consulting business put in place a CRM system for gathering client data and interactions. Through more timely and personalized contact, they increased client retention by 25% by automating data entry and reminders to follow up.

3. Employ a scheduling tool for social media.

Social media can be very time-consuming, especially when posting on in the heat of the moment, as any content producer or social media manager can relate to. For busy marketing teams, this is why using a social media scheduling tool is essential.

Your team may produce valuable content ahead of time and plan it for automatic posting to your main social media channels with the help of the appropriate social media scheduling software. 

Example: To plan and schedule postings for special offers and events, a nearby restaurant employed a social media scheduling platform. An increase of 40% in both online interaction and visitor numbers was the result of this continuous social media presence. 

4. Respond right away to inquiries from customers.

The amount to which your business addresses customer service complaints could affect how many clients are happy and will return. Customer service teams may find it difficult to fulfill demands if they handle each part of customer care by hand. Response time and first response resolve rate are two important things that drive customer satisfaction.

To lower the chance of a client leaving, feedback surveys can also be set to automatically notify you when a customer needs urgent help. When a customer's query isn't resolved, your staff can also use chatbots or knowledge bases with AI built in to quickly respond to basic inquiries and, if necessary, direct them to the most suitable help person.

Your customer service employees can handle more customers with more success thanks to automation, all without working hard or losing the quality of private conversations. 

As an example, a software business included chatbots on their website to rapidly answer questions from users. As a result, response times reduced from hours to seconds, increasing customer satisfaction.

5. Automate marketing SMS messages.

In order to reconnect with leads and convert potential customers, your marketing team may want to include automated SMS marketing in your overall strategy. Possible automation for SMS marketing includes: Reminders for meetings and events, Restock notifications for things that the contact has indicated interest in, Messages related to empty cart abandoned, advertisements for exclusive offers and savings 

An automatic SMS reminder system for class schedules and membership renewals at a fitness center, for example. This approach to communication increased member retention rates and reduced no-show rates.

6. Examine and automate your sales procedure.

The goals of sales automation include higher conversion rates, fewer challenges, and more efficient management of your sales process. Examine any integrated automation features your CRM has before implementing any sales automation. After that, you might consider integrating and utilizing additional apps to automate workflows that are more effective.

An example would be a software-as-a-service (SaaS) provider that automates lead management and scoring systems. Within three months, they increased their conversion rate by investigating consumer behavior and automating follow-ups based on engagement rates.

7.  Use an application for easier meeting scheduling.

Few things are more annoying than exchanging emails to arrange a time for a meeting. Use a meeting scheduling tool to simplify this process which connects with your calendar automatically and lets contacts set up times to meet with you when you're available.

Example: To automate the scheduling of client appointments, a law company established an online booking system. Due to this improved procedure, organizational effort was lowered allowing lawyers to concentrate more on case preparation and client consultations.

Cyboticx: Build Your Digital Team

Although automation is an effective tool, long-term success depends on having the right people to manage and optimize these systems. At Cyboticx, our expertise lies in building strong digital teams customized to meet your company's demands. We can help you with developing a solid long-term strategy. Allow us to contribute to your path to productivity and growth.

Get in touch with us right now to find out how we can help you create your ideal digital workforce and grow your company.

According to recent studies, companies with effective digital teams have employee retention rates that are up to 20% higher. Our area of expertise at Cyboticx is creating and developing innovative and dynamic digital teams. We can help you manage the digital environment whether you require long-term planning or immediate assistance.


For a small business to succeed, it has to deal with a number of important issues. Focusing on the above-mentioned ways to automate small businesses is essential for long-term success and progress. Small business owners may build a strong and adaptable company that stands out from the competition and responds to shifting market demands by concentrating on these 10 ways to automate their businesses. Adopting these will help small businesses to achieve their objectives and build a solid foundation for the future.