Python vs Golang: Pros, Cons, and Which to Choose in 2024
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
- Published On:
September 9, 2024
Written By
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
CEO, PPM & Data Lead
Abhishek (Nick) Ganguly, CEO of Cyboticx, is a digital transformation expert specializing in product management, UX design, AI, and business automation.
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Python vs Golang: Pros, Cons, and Which to Choose in 2024

The choice between Python and Golang, better known as Go, is not easy to make in the year 2024, since both programming languages have found their places in the world of software development. Both languages have strong and weak points; hence, they are more or less suitable for specific types of projects. Now, to help you decide on which one to use, we will discuss some pros, cons, and ideal use cases for both Python and Go. So, without any further ado, let’s get started.

What is Python?

Python is a simple yet powerful programming language that is widely used in the software industry. Python generally finds great usage in competitive programming, web development, and software development. Due to its simplicity, it is recommended for beginners in the software engineering field. The need for it is increasing day by day due to its broad applications in modern technological sectors like data science, machine learning, and automation tasks.

Advantages of Python:

1. Easy to Learn and Use: Python is said to be very simple. The syntax is simple; it's just about reading English-like text, making it a very good language for beginners. It supports developers by allowing them to write less code and get more, hence making the development process faster.

2. Diverse Usage: This makes it possible for it to be employed in many domains, including but not limited to web development, data science, machine learning, automation, and many more. This is due to the fact that Python has a large number of libraries and frameworks, such as Django for web development, Pandas for data analysis, and TensorFlow for machine learning.

3. Large Community Support: Python has one of the largest communities for programming with a great deal of free resources such as tutorials, forums, and documentation. Most of the time, whatever problem you are dealing with, there's someone out there who has encountered that problem and who solved it.

4. Rapid Development:  In that Python is interpreted, you are able to test and prototype code very fast. You can run your code just after writing it, which is ideal for some iterative development. 

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Disadvantages of Python

1. Performance Limitations: One major drawback to Python is in terms of execution speed. The execution speed in Python is normally slower as compared to Go or any other compiled language. This hence makes Python not suitable enough for performance-critical applications.

2. Memory Usage: Python is easy to use and friendly for the same reasons it is not as memory-efficient as other languages. It requires more memory, which might turn out to be a hindrance in environments characterized by a lack of resources.

3. Not Suitable for Mobile Development: While Python can be used in mobile applications, it's not the best fit for that platform, as, say, Swift or Kotlin would be. The support and performance aren't great.

When to Use Python?

Python is the favorite language for data scientists and AI researchers due to its strong libraries and ease of use. Its most important libraries are NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn, which make heavy computations easy.

One can build web applications using Python in no time by frameworks like Django and Flask.

When automation of some mundane tasks is required, Python is the language to go for because it's simple and has loads of libraries.

What is Golang (Go)?

Go, popularly referred to as Golang or Go language, is an open-source programming language developed by Google. Software developers make use of Go within varied operating systems and frameworks to develop online applications, cloud, and networking services, among other forms of software. It is referred to as the Scalable Language.

Advantages of Golang:

1. High Performance: Go is a statically compiled language; that is, it gets translated directly into machine code. This makes it way faster compared to other interpreted languages like Python. Hence, that qualifies Go for performance-critical jobs.

2. Concurrency: Go language was designed, keeping concurrency in mind. It has built-in features and channels to easily run multiple processes simultaneously. This makes Go ideal for scalable application development, especially web servers and cloud services.

3. Simplicity and Clarity: Go has a simple, clean syntax, somewhat like Python, but also more rigid. Because of that rigidity, Go tends to be more consistent and easily maintainable, especially in large projects.

4. Low Memory Usage: Go is designed to be light in terms of memory usage; hence, it is suitable for all applications concerning memory issues.

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Disadvantages of Golang:

1. Fewer Libraries and Ecosystem: Although the ecosystem for Go is growing, it's still quite small compared to Python. That means for some work-in certain cases, this is in specialized categories like data science, you may not find your needed libraries.

2. Verbose Code: In many ways, simplicity in Go means verbose code. Things that took fewer lines in Python take more in Go. This has a tendency to slow down development in certain aspects.

3. Learning Curve: While Go is simpler compared to languages like C++, it is still going to be somewhat hard to complete, especially for those who have never worked with a compiled language before or with concepts such as concurrency.

When to Use Golang?

Go is well-suited for building efficient and scalable web servers and APIs. Concurrency features make Go particularly suitable for handling more simultaneous requests.

Go's efficiency and performance make it perfect for constructing cloud-native applications and microservices. Because of this, Go finds applications in the tech stack of Google, Docker, and Kubernetes. If you’re building an application where speed is crucial, such as a real-time system, Go’s performance benefits make it a strong choice.

Python vs Golang: Which to Choose in 2024?

Choose Python if:

  • Your project is related to data science, machine learning, or AI.
  • You are developing a web application in no time and would like to take hold of the rich Python ecosystem.
  • You are scripting or automating some tasks.
  • Ease in development and having an enormous community to fall back on when issues come up is a plus. 

Choose Golang when: 

  • You're building a high-performance, scalable system like a web server or a cloud service. You've got to handle lots of tasks running concurrently, like in a large-scale distributed system. Above all, memory efficiency and speed are paramount.
  • You work on a project where simplicity and rigidity in the language will pay off in code quality over time.


The choice would depend mostly on project needs. Python is such a multi-faceted, easy-to-learn language with a huge ecosystem that it suits most applications in data science and web development. Golang stands apart from others in terms of performance and scalability; hence, it will be fully advantageous if one's aim is to build high-performance and concurrent systems or cloud-based applications.

You will consequently be in a position to make, possibly an informed decision in 2024 considering all the pros and cons of each language, not forgetting the particular needs of your project.