Best practices in agile and scrum methodologies
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
- Published On:
August 28, 2024
Written By
Abhishek “Nick” Ganguly
CEO, PPM & Data Lead
Abhishek (Nick) Ganguly, CEO of Cyboticx, is a digital transformation expert specializing in product management, UX design, AI, and business automation.
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Best practices in agile and scrum methodologies

Agile Scrum is a well-liked method that helps companies of all sizes produce high-quality products fast and effectively. It's a strategy that involves collaboration, continuous improvement, and adaptability to changing situations. The basis of the Agile Scrum process is a set of ideas and procedures that allow for improved teamwork as well as faster delivery of customer requests. In this article, we are going to discuss the best practices in agile and scrum methodologies.

What is an Agile Methodology?

Teams usually use an agile methodology, which is a flexible and cooperative approach, to complete projects more quickly. In software development, the widely used project management approach has become a more natural way to keep members of cross-functional teams organized and on track. They work on many versions of a project using Agile, and based on feedback from end users, these are subsequently arranged into a prioritized backlog.

The basic principle of the Agile methodology is to be adaptable enough to make adjustments as necessary. A project manager sets aside a specific amount of time for every stage of a software project in order to accomplish this. 

What is a Scrum Methodology?

The Scrum technique is an Agile framework that makes software development and testing more collaborative and efficient. Product backlogs, sprint backlogs, and sprint goals are the three parts of a sprint, which is a brief build in an agile development project. Every sprint involves the definition, development, and testing of a particular function. Each sprint lasts two to three weeks, depending on how hard the project is. 

What Sets Agile Apart from Scrum?

Scrum is a specific Agile methodology used to support a project, whereas Agile is an approach to project management that uses a fundamental collection of values or principles. This is the main difference between the two approaches. Scrum is a very effective software delivery process, whereas Agile is a mindset on software delivery to customers. Software is delivered frequently for feedback under the Agile technique, while software is delivered at the end of each development sprint under the Scrum methodology.

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Best practices in agile and scrum methodologies

1. Development and testing teams that are coherent

Teams using the Agile Scrum approach shouldn't be able to distinguish between their DEV and QA teams. It is expected that the developers, testers, and scrum master work together as a cohesive team to successfully complete each of their assigned tasks and deliver the product.

Here, each sprint aims to prepare a deliverable, and the development and quality assurance teams collaborate to shape it into a form that the client can evaluate. The scrum master ensures that the team concentrates on the most critical tasks and completes them on schedule. 

2. Increased frequency of teamwork

Scrum software development methodology encourages teams to have brief meetings every day. These sessions are helpful for regularly reviewing the team's work and changing the sprint target as necessary.

Every day, standup meetings are held in Scrum. These sessions help in the management of the delivery team's focus because any obstacles may be identified and dealt with the same day they arise. In addition, the team members can learn about each other's advancements and are encouraged to communicate any inhibitions they may have. 

3. Maintaining a separate sprint and product backlog

The activities that must be completed before the product is ready for release are listed in the product backlog, while the tasks that will be worked on in a specific sprint are listed in the sprint backlog.

Maintaining an individual product backlog from the sprint backlog is a suggested agile best practice. The goal is to separate the long list of user stories and product features from the part that will be implemented during a given sprint. By doing this, it becomes clear what the delivery team is expected to provide after a sprint and what it is expected to implement as a whole over several sprints. 

4. Emphasizing dangers and obstacles

Teams using the agile methodology are encouraged to plan ahead for any distractions that can arise during the course of an iteration. Sometimes during a Scrum sprint, the team becomes preoccupied with the sprint backlog, high-priority bugs, or some pressing client enhancement requests, so they neglect to explain the risks and obstacles during sprint preparation.

Therefore, the delivery team should try to figure out the efforts that may be required to deal with the risks and obstacles and develop plans for the final product accordingly in order to avoid any unexpected events at the last minute.

5. Minimal or no variation in the sprint backlog

Agile best practices require that, unless a very urgent problem or feature needs to be addressed, there should be no or minimal changes made to the sprint backlog to keep the team focused and guarantee timely delivery.

To make sure that only the user stories and tasks that have been agreed upon are being worked on during the process of iteration, Scrum Methodology places an incredible amount of importance on planning this at sprint planning sessions. 

6. Measurements of Velocity

The Agile idea helps in determining the team's ability to deliver the user stories. It is frequently determined by counting the number of user stories completed by the team in the first three to four iterations.

This helps in the project team's capacity to estimate the number of user stories they can complete and facilitates the effective preparation of subsequent sprint backlogs based on the capabilities previously determined by the velocity metric. 

7. QA's increased engagement

Testing must be done continuously since agile software development using scrum promotes working on the product in cycles. Testing the work completed by developers within the same sprint is the goal. Therefore, QA must participate in all user-story understanding sessions and sprint demos from the beginning of each sprint.

Integrating QA into the early phases of development guarantees fewer bugs in the later phases. There won't be any major surprises at the end if QA is included from the beginning. 

8. After each sprint encourage customer involvement

Getting the product ready for the customer through iterations and collecting input at each one is a primary goal of agile practice. Agile can only succeed if it gives the client or consumer involvement the weight it requires at the end of each sprint.

9. Timeboxing Tasks and Prioritising User Stories

Prioritizing user stories and features according to the business value they provide and the implementation risks is one of the agile best practices that is constantly recommended. The product owner and other stakeholders can use this method to determine the financial worth of each user story and identify the one with the highest value.

10. Making use of burndown charts

Every sprint, Agile uses burndown charts to determine how much work has to be done at any one point. Such types of charts for tracking are provided by the majority of scrum management software.

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Cyboticx is a well-known Software Development Company that offers businesses successful and high-quality online solutions. We take satisfaction in offering businesses the highest quality website, mobile apps, and software development services. Working with Cyboticx for your app development needs gives you access to a skilled team of professionals who are committed to providing solutions that will accelerate the expansion of your business.


In the end, these practices are essential to a successful, flexible team in the ever-changing Agile environment—they are more than just techniques.